Inventions & Patents
No. | Contributors | Title | Patent Office | Current Situation |
1 | AlShwaimi E, Bohluli P | Rotary Endodontic File | Saudi Patent Office | Certificate Issued P# 4637; 2016 |
2 | AlShwaimi E, Majeed A, Ali AA | A Dental Composition and Method of Direct Pulp Capping | United States Patent Office | Patent Filed 2016 |
3 | Farooq I, Moheet I, AlShwaimi E | Method for Occluding Dentine Tubules and Remineralizing Teeth | United States Patent Office | Published # US-2017-0319455-A1 |
Honors and Awards
1 | “Alumni Achievement Award” , Columbia University, New York, Jan 2017 |
2 | “Faculty Research Award” at 10th Annual Dental Symposium, University of Dammam, Dammam, May 2012 |
3 | Recognition from Greater New York Dental Meeting for research achievements New York, U.S.A, Nov 2010 |
4 | “AEEDC Young Researcher Award” ADDEC International Dental Conference,Dubai, U.A.E, April 2010 |
5 | One of the four finalist for the “Graduate Dentists Research Award Competition”, King Saud University 13th International Dental Conference, The 21st for The Saudi Dental Society Saudi Dental Society, Riyadh, Feb 2010 |
6 | “Saudi Airlines Award for Scientific Achievement” Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission, Washington, U.S.A, June 2009 |
7 | “Krakow Award” from Harvard University for Outstanding Research and Clinical Achievement Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, U.S.A, June 2009 |
8 | “American Association of Endodontist (AAE)/Dentsply Award” for best Research (Poster) Presentation (1st place) AAE, Orlando, U.S.A , April 2009 |